Elected Officers: The elected officers of the Foundation are Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Duties of Officers
The Chair presides at all meetings of the Board, the Executive Committee and at the Annual Meeting and any other membership meeting.
The Vice Chair serves as Chair in the absence or unavailability of the Chair.
The Secretary oversee the preparation and serving of all notices of the Foundation and the Board of Directors and attest and affix the corporate seal of the Foundation to all documents and instruments requiring the same. The Secretary shall insure that proper care is given to the Foundation’s books and papers.
The Treasurer insures that sound accounting principles and practices are followed by the staff or agents who have fiduciary responsibility. The Treasurer reports on the financial condition of the Foundation at its Annual Meeting and at meetings of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee, when required. The Treasurer serves as the Chair of the Finance Committee.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is empowered to manage the affairs of the Foundation between meetings of the Board of Directors, subject to ratification of its actions by the Board, and to direct the activities of the Executive Director. The Executive Committee shall recommend policies and financial and operational programs to the Board of Directors, based upon its own studies, as well as upon recommendations submitted by the Executive Director.
The Executive Committee is composed of the elected officers of the Foundation; the immediate Past Chair (but only for so long as his or her firm continues as a member of the Foundation); the Executive Director.
The Executive Committee will meet as necessary. Meetings may be called by the Chair or the Executive Director, or at the request of three committee members. A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for transaction of its business. The Committee may meet in person or by phone or other electronic means.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for reviewing the annual operating budget and periodic financial reports of the Foundation, and presents its recommendations to the Executive Committee and to the Directors. The Finance Committee shall recommend policies concerning management of the financial resources of the Foundation, systems for internal financial control, allocation of funds, and the general dues structure, including those revisions to the structure deemed necessary to provide the required revenue.
The Finance Committee chair is the Foundation’s Treasurer. The Committee will have at least two other Directors of the Foundation, appointed by the CSF Chair.
Legislative, Legal and Regulatory Affairs Committee
The Legislative, Legal and Regulatory Affairs Committee (LLRA) is responsible for monitoring state and federal legislative developments that may impact qualified tuition programs, formulating strategies, and making recommendations regarding advocacy to influence such legislation. In addition, it is responsible for monitoring and responding to the activities of the various regulatory bodies that impact qualified tuition programs, including without limitation the SEC, MSRB, Treasury, and IRS. This Committee shall monitor and report on any litigation, whether state or federal, impacting 529 Plans.
The LLRA Committee Chair is appointed by the CSF Chair. The Committee Chair shall seek assistance from volunteers from other members of CSF.
Industry Data and Research Committee
The Industry Data and Research Committee is responsible for gathering and disseminating data concerning the number and kind of qualified tuition programs; the amounts of assets and numbers of accounts in such programs; and such other information as may be useful in evaluating and promoting the college savings industry.
The Industry Data and Research Committee Chair is appointed by the CSF Chair. The Committee Chair shall seek assistance from volunteers from other members of CSF.
Media Relations Committee
The Media Relations Committee is responsible for monitoring the press regarding qualified tuition programs, for developing informational campaigns, and for arranging press releases and media appearances in which members of the Foundation may take part.
The Media Relations Committee Chair is appointed by the CSF Chair. The Committee Chair shall seek assistance from volunteers from other members of CSF.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is responsible for reaching out and growing CSF’s membership. The Membership Committee Chair is appointed by the CSF Chair. The Committee Chair shall seek assistance from volunteers from other members of CSF.
Conference Committee
The Conference Committee is responsible to organizing the annual CSF conference. This includes identifying a theme, location, sessions and speakers. The Conference Committee Chair is appointed by the CSF Chair. The Committee Chair shall seek assistance from volunteers from other members of CSF
529 Administrative Issues Task Force
The 529 Administrative Issues Task Force looks at issues program managers and states encounter while implementing 529 plans and comes up with recommended solutions.
The 529 Administrative Issues Task Force Chair is appointed by the CSF Chair. The Task Force Chair shall seek assistance from volunteers from other members of CSF.
Marketing Task Force
The Marketing Task Force develops and implements CSF’s marketing outreach plan. This involves social media efforts as well as other efforts that raise awareness of 529 plans.
The Marketing Task Force Chair is appointed by the CSF Chair. The Task Force Chair shall seek assistance from volunteers from other members of CSF.